By on Aug 25, 2014 in General information, Power Saving Tips |

The most efficient form of lighting saving up to 90% running costs compared to halogen &incandescent globes. A higher purchase price initially but pay themselves back quickly because of their good efficiency. LED’s don’t produce heat compared to conventional globes and do produce better light if the correct type is chosen.

Supplied mainly for retro fitting so that you can installed without an electrician, but in some cases a qualified electrician may be needed depending on the existing fittings.

I supply quality LED globes which with some have up to a 5 year warranty, the halogen replacement s suit most of the electronic and Iron core transformers with most versions dimmable as well. There many replacements available for standard incandescent, down light halogen, fluorescent tube and the list goes on.

I can source many types of products and have access to a LED lighting specialist.